Customs|International Transport|Storage

Operinter will show its know how in #ExtendaGlobal.

Operinter participates in #ExtendaGlobal, the meeting about internationalisation

Operinter, a benchmark international logistics operator, makes known its export potential and its know-how in foreign trade during its participation in the #ExtendaGlobal virtual forum. A meeting which will bring together the main Andalusian export companies, one of the most important sectors in the region, on 11 and 12 November 2020.

During the event, organised by the Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion, Extenda, virtual meetings can be arranged with representatives of the agency’s foreign network, present in more than 60 countries, as well as contacting potential strategic partners for internationalisation services. In addition, a complete programme of 14 conferences will be held so that those attending will have valuable information about the markets and will be able to detect new business opportunities.

At a time of special economic and geopolitical importance, Operinter, which has 187 offices around the world, does not want to miss this great opportunity to make its services known by land, sea and air, to close business meetings or to detail some of its actions for next year. You can book your appointment with us here from now on and ensure the best networking.

Regions with the greatest growth prospects

One of the main themes of the meeting is to identify the main regions with the greatest prospects for world growth, including the Asia-Pacific region, Africa-Middle East and America, without forgetting the consolidation of their presence in Europe. This information is key when it comes to settling in any market or starting to export. In this sense, Operinter, which in 2019 moved 93,000 TEUs and reached 19 million kilograms in air freight, can be an ideal partner to start any internationalisation process.

38 offices abroad

In recent years, Extenda has been steadily adding new countries in which to provide support services on the ground through its external network. Through its 38 offices or business promotion antennas, the public company covers 62 countries. These markets are capable of providing geographical diversification to Andalusian exports, which last year reached the value of 31,738 million euros and made it the second most exporting region in Spain after Catalonia.

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