Customs|International Transport|Storage

Operinter continues to develop its activity in a context of the fight against the pandemic

Update COVID-19 (II)

Dear clients and collaborators,

Yesterday, 29 March 2020, Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 was approved, which states that only the essential activities set out therein may continue to be carried out. Having said that, collection and delivery operations may be affected as long as their activity is not considered essential.

At Operinter we continue to provide all services as before, with the difference that we will be unable to make deliveries/pick ups, for reasons beyond our control, in cases where the goods being transported are not strictly related to the activities, services or industrial production expressed as “essential” within the framework of Royal Decree 463/2020 and Royal Decree-Law 10/2020.

In other words, activities that are essential to guarantee the continuity of the productive activity and the consequent supply of the goods and products of primary need, as set out in Royal Decree 463/2020.

We make all our resources available to help alleviate this situation. Our contingency plans have been planned for this purpose for weeks. If you are affected by this new regulation, please do not hesitate to contact our teams, your usual contacts, in order to seek alternatives in order to achieve the minimum possible impact.

We will keep you informed of any changes or modifications at all times, as we have done up to now.


The Operinter team.

Operinter works tirelessly to resolve all issues in this situation

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